Author: znnfd

  • CC Doesn’t Request Funds for Protected Bike Paths Even Though It Is Readily Available?



    City Council Members Unanimously Approve Item 18, “Reconnecting Communities Pilot Grant Application”, a program meant to help marginalized people better access society with improved transportation. They disregarded protected bike paths even after my public comment video. See this specific clip: This is my public comment video: For more details about how the city staff…

  • 15 Ways YOU Can Make Change



    Comment on social media. Whenever there is news posted that is relevant to protected bike paths such as bike safety, new road construction, city budget, or bike related tragedies, chime in about how protected bike paths are needed. Always include an example picture of a protected bike path in the comment if possible. A picture…

  • Print the Poster!



    Print & post this poster at any bulletin board you know of! It could be at work, a coffee shop, a gym, or even a place of worship. Make sure to strike up a friendly conversation to seek approval of course! It could also be a good time to talk about the cause. The PDF…

  • Transportation should be inclusive for everybody!



    I was so happy to speak at the Committee for Persons With Disabilities today. These were the points I wanted to really emphasize at the meeting today: 1. Transportation is a right every individual has. Transportation should be inclusive to everybody! Protected bike paths can include a whole segment of the population that have difficulty…

  • At City Council Meeting



    Cyclists voices were heard yesterday at a city council meeting. I made a public comment and I think it was effective because I actually gave them a video with visuals of the state of our bike paths. Two city council members got in contact with me right away to fix this problem. Here is the…

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!